Radical Acceptance and Scapegoat Recovery: The Power of Accepting What IS

Radical Acceptance and Scapegoat Recovery: The Power of Accepting What IS

Releasing attachment to highly charged emotions and events does not mean that one is “giving up” on themselves or “giving in” to abuse from others. It is simply a process that supports people in coping with past and/or current life circumstances that cannot be changed and that they are powerless over.

How the Scapegoat Child Develops a ‘False’ Self

How the Scapegoat Child Develops a ‘False’ Self

An important, sometimes even critical, aspect of recovering from family scapegoating abuse (FSA) is to recognize that you may have developed a ‘false’ or ‘survival’ self very early in life to survive a hostile or threatening family environment.

What Is Family Scapegoating Abuse (FSA)?

What Is Family Scapegoating Abuse (FSA)?

It’s been very rewarding to see that therapists and Mental Health clinics are now adopting the term family scapegoating abuse and releasing articles on FSA to educate others. I will continue to speak out on family scapegoating abuse whenever I am asked as I advocate for those whose psycho-emotional health has been negatively impacted by this form of systemically-driven psycho-emotional abuse. Below are my answers to five questions I am frequently asked about FSA:

Scapegoat Recovery and Recognizing Damaging Unspoken Family Rules

Scapegoat Recovery and Recognizing Damaging Unspoken Family Rules

A Warm Welcome to Our New Subscribers! I’ve posted a new video on 10 UNSPOKEN FAMILY RULES that support family scapegoating abuse (FSA) dynamics for you to check out when you have time – Chapters are included beneath the video link both here and on YouTube in the video description. When you click on a…

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