Read the first book ever written on Family Scapegoating Abuse (FSA)
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“Thank you, Rebecca, for writing one of the most accurate descriptions of what it is really like being a scapegoat. Your pioneering, candid research about those who suffer from scapegoating begs the need for specialized therapy that specifically addresses scapegoats who experience life-long trauma and issues related to family scapegoating. Very few in the psychology field have studied this topic in depth. Watching my mom scapegoated by her own mother who is in a position of authority including mom’s siblings shows me there is a real need for more specialized therapists like you.” – Amazon Reviewer

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Scroll down to see what reader’s are saying about the first book written on the insidious systemic phenomenon Rebecca named Family Scapegoating Abuse (FSA) via her pioneering research.

What Readers of Rejected, Shamed, and Blamed are Saying…
Important Book – A Must Read!
This is an excellent book for FSA adult survivors and Mental Health practitioners. The author shares her extensive experience working with and studying toxic families and how to recover from the experience. This book is a must have for anyone treating those from dysfunctional families or family members themselves.
~ Melissa Petty, LMSW
Research Supported – Finally!
Thank you for bringing attention to this unique form of abuse that few recognize by publishing this book. The fact that you have been researching on this for years and now are publishing a peer-reviewed quantitative study on family scapegoating abuse (FSA) underscores that type of abuse is real and needs to be recognized
– Substack Subscriber
At Last It Has a Name!
This book offers healing that I thought would never be possible! I’m so thankful to the author – Finally what I’ve been suffering from for years has a name and at last I know what I am needing and wanting to recover from. I can’t thank you enough, Rebecca, you literally have saved my life with your book, videos, research, and articles on FSA.
~ YouTube Subscriber
“I can’t encourage anyone enough to read this book. It will become a useful tool in your healing journey and something that you will refer back to. Rebecca Mandeville has done important research on the effects of family scapegoating abuse and the cult like system of a dysfunctional or narcissistic family and this book has helped me gain a much deeper understanding of how it has affected me and my recovery. You won’t be disappointed and please check out her YouTube channel for some really helpful content.” – Amazon Reviewer