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Single-Session FSA Recovery Consultation℠

Rebecca C Mandeville Fsa Scapegoat Expert

I have been wanting to thank you for your help. While I came to you wanting to work on scapegoating–which we did–we also explored the many challenges of being an associate mental health professional working in a community setting. Your support and gentle nudge led me to work at two group practices. I grew SO much since we last met. I have received numerous unsolicited positive feedback from clients, supervisors, trainers, and associate peers. Very soon, I will be licensed and in private practice. Without your support, I probably would have not felt knowledgeable enough or confident enough to make this career pivot as an associate. Thank you for helping me push through the hesitation. I truly believe I have found my calling, and I wouldn’t be where I am right now without you. 

– E.L. Registered Associate Clinical Social Worker

– Mark P.

Molly B.


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