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To Meet Publishing Requirements, This Free Preview Chapter From My Book Is No Longer Available

This article was originally published on Psych Central as an advance preview of my book on family scapegoating abuse (FSA), Rejected, Shamed, and Blamed. To comply with current publishing requirements, I am no longer able to offer portions of this book for free online and the article has therefore been deleted (it is available as a chapter in my book).

Visit my blog to see more articles on family scapegoating.

Rebecca C. Mandeville, MA, MFT

4 thoughts on “To Meet Publishing Requirements, This Free Preview Chapter From My Book Is No Longer Available”

  1. Lisa H

    So far the information I’ve read has been spot on. I’m my family’s scapegoat along with complex ptsd, learning disabilities, addictions and have been trying to recover for years in several 12 step programs. I just turned 60 yes old and this ” thing” has ruined my life. I would love to be part of any research you need.

    1. Rebecca C. Mandeville, MFT

      Hi Lisa, I’m glad to hear it, and I appreciate your letting me know that you resonate with my offerings. I do hope you get a chance to read my book, Rejected, Shamed, and Blamed, as well. And thank you for offering to participate in any research. The FSA Survey is located in the menu on this website. I am still accepting completed surveys.

  2. Calista

    I just read your insightful book. It’s so reassuring to read that others recognize and understand the dynamics and deep pain of being scapegoated. Thank you for your work! I have an appointment with my therapist next week, but she’s not as well versed in these issues as I would hope. At least she’s someone to vent to during a particularly difficult time following the death of my mother and the associated cruelty of my sisters.

    1. Rebecca Mandeville, MFT

      Hi Calista,

      Thank you for taking the time to comment, and I’m glad you are finding my book helpful. You might invite your therapist to read my book – It might help them better understand your experiences and other clinicians have written me to tell me it was very informative and aided them in understanding and helping their scapegoated clients. I wish you the very best in your healing journey.

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