Category: DARVO

  • 5 Reasons Your Family Won’t Apologize for Scapegoating You

    5 Reasons Your Family Won’t Apologize for Scapegoating You

    Dysfunctional family systems are ‘closed’ systems that resist integrating information that threatens the accepted family narrative. Family members who have scapegoated you will rarely accept responsibility for their actions, despite how egregious their mistreatment of you has been. Below are five reasons why you are unlikely to ever receive an…

  • DARVO to the 100th Power…

    DARVO to the 100th Power…

    As the world watches in horror, Vladimir Putin provides us with an astounding example of Dr. Jennifer Freyd’s brilliant concept of ‘DARVO’, (Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender), which I wrote about in a recent article. This is an excerpt from an article today in Reuters: Russia continued its assault…

  • DARVO and Family Scapegoating Abuse (FSA): When the Abused Are Revictimized by Their Abuser

    DARVO and Family Scapegoating Abuse (FSA): When the Abused Are Revictimized by Their Abuser

    One of the more baffling and incomprehensible aspects of being scapegoated by family is being the target of mentally and emotionally abusive behaviors; reacting to the abuse appropriately (e.g., expressing hurt, confusion, anger, setting boundaries, etc), and then discovering that the person who committed the harmful or abusive acts views…

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