Category: Betrayal Trauma

  • The Dual Layers of Betrayal Trauma For Survivors of Family Scapegoating Abuse

    The Dual Layers of Betrayal Trauma For Survivors of Family Scapegoating Abuse

    Betrayal is at the heart of being scapegoated. Betrayal is the constant in all the examples shared in this article. When exploring our scapegoating histories we see that our trauma doesn’t just come from the hurtful actions, the cruel words, the painful neglect and humiliations, or the psychological wounds wielded…

  • Scapegoating as Family Betrayal (Video)

    Scapegoating as Family Betrayal (Video)

    Abuse of any type can result in the victim experiencing complex trauma and betrayal trauma, which can in turn lead to dissociation….

  • The Empath Truth-Teller, Family Scapegoating, and Sibling Estrangement (2 New Videos)

    The Empath Truth-Teller, Family Scapegoating, and Sibling Estrangement (2 New Videos)

    This week on Beyond Family Scapegoating Abuse (YouTube) I address two topics pertaining to family scapegoating abuse (FSA): Family Empaths and Sibling Estrangement.

  • The Fantasy “Repair” Experience of the FSA Adult Survivor

    The Fantasy “Repair” Experience of the FSA Adult Survivor

    One of the things that keeps survivors of family scapegoating abuse (FSA) stuck and unable to progress in their recovery is the fantasy that if they can say the ‘right’ thing to the ‘right’ person within (or connected to) their family-of-origin, the fact of their abuse will be acknowledged and…

  • Family Scapegoating Abuse (FSA) as Psychological Trauma

    Family Scapegoating Abuse (FSA) as Psychological Trauma

    As we learn more about Complex Trauma (C-PTSD), it becomes increasingly clear that family scapegoating abuse (FSA) can lead to the development of C-PTSD symptoms, which are often misdiagnosed and mislabelled by Mental Health Professionals if and when the FSA adult survivor seeks therapeutic treatment and support.

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