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Scapegoat Recovery Resources

Welcome to Our New Subscribers!

I appreciate your interest in my work on what I named ‘family scapegoating abuse’ (FSA) and ‘family scapegoat trauma’ (FST) during the course of my Family Systems research over the past two decades. I decided it was time to update some basic resources for those wishing to recover from the pain and trauma of being ‘rejected, shamed, and blamed’ by members of their family – the people who were supposed to love and care for them the most.

Knowing you are not alone, and understanding what you are actually suffering from, can make such a critical difference in one’s recovery process.

I’ve been privileged to receive hundreds of messages and comments from people all around the world who kindly let me know how much my introductory guide on FSA, Rejected, Shamed, and Blamed, has helped them to have hope that they could recover from this most insidious form of systemic ‘invisible’ abuse.

If you haven’t read my book yet, I encourage you to do so. You may also want to check out ​my free articles​ on family scapegoating abuse on my blog to learn more about FSA

Feeling a lack of community? We have a wonderful community of FSA adult survivors forming over on my YouTube channel, where I offer new videos every Saturday. I recently began offering ​YouTube Memberships​ on my channel where you can access exclusive perks such as early access to my FSA and FST research results and the ability to vote on what topics I cover in future videos.

The modest monthly membership fee is put to good use in that it supports my continued research efforts on FSA and FST as I work to educate the general public, and the Mental Health profession, on why family scapegoating abuse and family scapegoat trauma must be recognized so that adult survivors pain and suffering can be validated and appropriately addressed.

I’m currently conducting new research on identifying the types of trauma associated with FSA. I’ll announce each new survey in my newsletters. By participating anonymously, your “lived” experience will help to shape and influence the contents of my next book on family scapegoat trauma symptoms. My current survey closes August 15. If you haven’t taken this survey anonymously yet, you can do so here.

10 Self-Care Tips for FSA Adult Survivors: I wrote this originally for my clients in my private practice. It’s been available on my website for awhile, but some of you may have missed it or could use these ‘friendly reminders’. You may access my article here.

Narcissistic versus Dysfunctional Family Systems: Not all families that scapegoat are narcissistic in their structure. Learn what makes a family dysfunctional versus narcissistic by watching this video.

Books: These books have helped my clients and subscribers to progress in their recovery journey. There are a few pages of books so be sure you see all of them by clicking on the page numbers located at the bottom.

About Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD): These days it seems that anyone who behaves in a hurtful, insensitive manner is labelled a narcissist (or ‘narc’). This is simply not the case. Many people have narcissistic traits, but not everyone has NPD. If you are confused regarding whether or not a family member may be a full-blown narcissist, read this article from the Cleveland Clinic.

Support for Complex Trauma: You might also find some appropriate resources here via this site for people struggling with complex trauma symptoms due to personality disordered parenting, etc, ​Out of the Fog​.

Searching for a Trauma-Informed Coach? You can check out this international directory ​here​.

🔴 NEED HELP NOW? Being scapegoating can be extremely traumatizing. If you feel in danger of harming yourself, this is a list of international hotlines where you can speak to someone: ​ ​

That’s all for now. You’ll be hearing from me again soon!


Rebecca C. Mandeville, LMFT, CCTP

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    About Rebecca C. Mandeville, MA

    Rebecca C. Mandeville coined the research-supported terms 'family scapegoating abuse' (FSA) and 'family scapegoat trauma' (FST) and is a recognized thought leader in understanding the consequences of being in the family 'identified patient' or 'scapegoat' role. She also created the FSA Recovery Coaching℠ process. Her best-selling book, 'Rejected, Shamed, and Blamed', is the first book ever written on FSA. Rebecca serves as a YouTube Health Partner via her channel 'Beyond Family Scapegoating Abuse' and is also active on Instagram and Facebook.

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